Too much saving?
I signed up for the HSBC online savings account the other day to get the $25 bonus. I didn't really want to since I have enough savings accounts already, but 25 bucks is 25 bucks. I signed over a week ago, but it seems like it's taking for ever to get access to my account. I did get my user number, but have yet to receive my password. I remember GMAC being faster with all of that, I think they actually let me pick all that stuff so I got to sign-in and look at my account the same day I signed up. So I got the HSBC account for the free money for than the rate (4.8%), and I've heard a lot about HSBC being slow.
Now, if your not like me, and most people aren't and you only want to have one Savings account I would recommend GMAC Bank. Why? Well, I know from experience. I have accounts with INGDirect, EmigrantDirect, GMAC Bank, and now HSBC Direct. Far and away GMAC is the quickest setup, and the easiest to transfer money with. To be fair I haven't even seen the inside of my HSBC account but I've heard plenty of people describe it. With GMAC to add a linked account all you have to do is enter the name on the account, the account number and the routing number. That's it. Then move some money. ING requires sending in checks and Emigrant doesn't even have instructions on their website, at least not where I could find them. Plus GMAC is consistently in the high rates(4.6% right now). Of the above accounts GMAC is the highest regular rate (ING has a promo rate until 4/15, and HSBC as well until 4/30) I'm willing to bet that after the promo rates are done GMAC will be the highest, but we'll see.
I've heard a lot of people say that GMAC requires a minimum balance while the others do not. That balance is only $500 dollars and if you can't keep that much then your not really saving, are you? So go with GMAC if you want the best all around account. GMAC is not paying me for this, it is my honest opinion, in fact HSBC and ING did pay me, too bad for them.